Healing to Action is uniquely positioned to help organizations advancing racial, economic, and social justice to identify and end the root causes of gender-based violence that persist in their communities, tapping into survivor power as a catalyst for social change.
Our training programs are founded in the belief that the communities most affected by gender-based violence - Black, indigenous, and people of color; low-income, disability, and LGBTQ+ communities; and immigrant communities - are best equipped to develop the solutions to these problems.

We specialize in training organizations that center these communities including unions, worker centers, grassroots organizations, social service providers, legal aid agencies, mental health clinics, advocacy groups and allies in government – to develop solutions that put survivors’ needs first.
Our trainings empower survivors and their allies to recognize, respond to, and mitigate the causes of gender-based violence so survivors feel safe and supported to come forward, access resources, and ultimately achieve gender liberation in their communities.

“As a result of our work with Healing to Action, we launched and won a campaign against a well known restaurant to address workplace sexual violence happening against members of our community. We also used the training and skills that HTA provided to increase our sexual harassment cases by 50%.”
Cynthia Rodriguez,
Former Director of Organizing
Centro de Trabajadores Unidos
“Our partnership with Healing to Action is the first of its kind for nurses nation-wide, using a rigorous member-driven process to develop a union strategy to address gender- based violence in Illinois’ healthcare workplaces.”
Alice Johnson,
Former Executive Director
Illinois Nurses Association
“I learned that a lot more constitutes sexual violence than I thought. I will identify it and speak up in the workplace and personal life as appropriate.”
Training participant
Trainings We Offer
Training Partners